Dur-A-Guard - Truck Guards for Pedestrian Safety
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6 Ways to Boost Pedestrian Safety for Commercial Trucks

It’s no secret that commercial trucks are the biggest vehicles on the road. Commercial trucks are necessary, so it’s important to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other drivers on the road. After all, there has been an increase in pedestrian deaths in the past few years, so safety measures are more important than ever.

Commercial truck drivers can boost pedestrian safety if they eliminate distractions and give pedestrians and drivers space. Always give yourself 55 feet of space when turning with a large truck, especially in urban areas. You can also protect pedestrians with Dur-A-Guard side guards to ensure walkers and cyclists don’t get swept under the truck.

It’s also important for drivers and pedestrians to consider that commercial truck drivers have more blind spots than them. Commercial truck drivers are only human, but we can boost pedestrian safety if we focus on equipping trucks with protective measures. Follow along as we explore why pedestrian safety around commercial trucks matters so much.

6 Ways to Boost Pedestrian Safety for Commercial Trucks

1. Give Each Other Space

The sheer size difference between commercial trucks and standard passenger trucks and sedans is remarkable. While a passenger vehicle can often stop quickly, commercial trucks have a stopping distance of roughly 525 feet in many cases. That’s why drivers and pedestrians alike must give commercial trucks plenty of space.

Of course, that responsibility also falls on commercial truck drivers who must keep a healthy distance from others on the road. Commercial trucks typically have air brakes instead of hydraulic brakes, and they don’t react as quickly. Experienced truck drivers know to keep an eye out for pedestrians and other drivers.

However, there isn’t always ample time for a commercial truck to stop when a pedestrian illegally crosses a street or highway. A healthy understanding of the size, weight, and stopping speed of commercial trucks is important for everyone to know.

2. Consider the Blind Spots

Blind spots are a factor for any vehicle, but they are much riskier when it comes to commercial trucks. Commercial truck drivers often sit 10 feet above the ground, so blind spots are much more serious than in passenger vehicles. That’s why pedestrians, drivers, and truck drivers need to keep this in mind on the road.

Commercial truck drivers can’t typically see pedestrians and other cars within 20 feet of their trucks. That is why it’s unsafe to simply pull out in front of a commercial truck or walk across the street without warning. Seasoned professional drivers know this, and they do their best to stay aware of their surroundings at all times.

3. Beware of Wide Turns

It’s no secret that trucks need lots of space for wide turns. Cars and pedestrians should never follow too closely behind or beside a commercial truck while turning. Professional truck drivers must also know that they should never rush a wide turn or turn unlawfully.

Never attempt to pass a truck while it’s turning whether you’re on foot or in a car. Commercial trucks need up to 55 feet of space when turning, so pedestrians and other drivers must be patient. It’s much better to add a few seconds to your trip than rush a commercial truck and cause an accident.

4. Drive Undistracted

The worst thing a commercial truck driver can do is let anything distract them. Today, drivers face more distractions than ever between phones, dispatch equipment, maps, and GPS. Ideally, you should take care of anything you need before you hit the road.

Wait to use your dispatching equipment until you pull over if an emergency pops up. You simply can’t operate a phone, radio, or GPS while driving without compromising pedestrian safety. Sadly, professional drivers can’t guarantee that pedestrians and drivers they share the road with aren’t distracted.

However, you can do your best to watch surrounding cars and risky pedestrians and avoid them if they compromise your safety. In 2022 alone, 289,310 people suffered injuries from distracted driving accidents, and 3,308 people died.

5. Be Careful With Wide Loads

Commercial trucks already have limited visibility even without a wide load. This becomes much more limited when commercial drivers must haul goods that measure more than 8 ½’ feet wide. Wide loads not only limit visibility but also limit the mobility and speed of commercial trucks.

That’s why you often see drivers pass trucks with wide loads on the interstate. Wide loads also pose a risk to pedestrians, especially if they aren’t paying attention. Trucks require much more clearance for right turns, so pedestrians should never attempt to cross while an over-encumbered truck is turning.

Take your time when you haul a wide load and try to be extra vigilant. Your visibility may be more limited, so remain aware of your surroundings, especially when you turn in an area with pedestrians.

6. Boost Truck Safety

Drivers are only responsible for so much when it comes to commercial truck safety. It’s also up to companies to do their best to maintain and upgrade their trucks to be as safe as possible. Dur-A-Guard manufactures Volpe-compliant truck side guards that significantly boost pedestrian safety.

These powder-coated, American-made truck guards attach to commercial trucks to stop pedestrians from getting swept beneath them. This is essential for commercial trucks that drive in urban areas with many pedestrians. That’s especially true when navigating narrow streets with blind spots at night.

Right turns are among the most dangerous truck maneuvers, and these side guards make them much safer. They provide peace of mind for businesses, drivers, and pedestrians alike.

Pedestrian Safety Should Be Top Priority

Pedestrian and passenger safety is much easier when commercial truck drivers aren’t distracted. Commercial drivers need to give other drivers and pedestrians plenty of space on the road. Keep in mind that your vision is quite limited in a truck, so you must pay attention to traffic lights and signs. Nothing boosts truck safety more for pedestrians than side guards, like the Dur-A-Guard.

Ensure the safety of pedestrians and passengers by staying focused and alert on the road. Equip your fleet with side guards like the Dur-A-Guard to enhance safety measures. Contact us today to learn more about Dur-A-Guard and make your trucks safer for everyone